SINOTAB - China International Tobacco Expo: la fiera
September 2013 Edition:
SINOTAB is the one and only premium tobacco Industry exhibition and forum for China. As ever increasing numbers of Chinese join the ranks of the global wealthy, the market for cigars, premium tobacco products and tobacco accessories, already experiencing substantial growth, is primed to explode.
In Sep. 2013, the worlds top premium tobacco, tobacco accessory and manufacturers will meet in Macao for three days to explore the potentials of the worlds largest tobacco market.
SINOTAB will bring the best in the premium tobacco industry into China. Attendees will be able to develop rapporti con le agenzie governative cinesi e monopoli a livello di senior director, per trovare partner commerciali e distributori, e per studiare le opportunità di investimento.
SINOTAB è un livello di élite, solo su invito opportunità di business, in cui i grandi marchi globali possono mettersi direttamente in contatto con i distributori a livello nazionale e manufacting al più grande mercato del tabacco mondi.