China (Guangzhou) International Exhibition of casting Products and Technology Symposium 2023
Dal al
Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center
Guangzhou, Cina
Guangzhou, Cina
Macchine Industriali, Fiere idustriale

China International Exhibition on Platemetal, Bar, Wire, Metal processing and Setting Equipment 2023
Dal al
China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex
Guangzhou, Cina
Guangzhou, Cina
Metallurgia, Fiere idustriale

China Smart Homes & Buildings Expo (SHB) 2023
Dal al
Poly World Trade Center
Guangzhou, Cina
Guangzhou, Cina
Nuove Tecnologie, Casa

PMMHF | China Prefab House, Modular Building, Mobile House & Space Fair 2023
Dal al
China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex
Guangzhou, Cina
Guangzhou, Cina
Fiere idustriale

China Rooftile | The China Rooftile & Technology Exhibition 2023
Dal al
China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex
Guangzhou, Cina
Guangzhou, Cina
Materiali per edilizia, Appartamento, Ceramiche

Asia Vending & Smart Retail Expo 2023
Dal al
China Import & Export Fair Complex, Liuhua
Guangzhou, Cina
Guangzhou, Cina
Vendita al Dettaglio

Asia Pool & Spa Expo 2023
Dal al
China Import & Export Fair Complex
Guangzhou, Cina
Guangzhou, Cina
Sauna, Spa, Piscine

Asia Amusement & Attraction Expo 2023
Dal al
China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex
Guangzhou, Cina
Guangzhou, Cina

TPAE Theme Parks & Attractions Industry Exhibition 2023
Dal al
China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex
Guangzhou, Cina
Guangzhou, Cina
Hobby, Ozio

GMF Guangzhou International Garden Machinery Fair 2023
Dal al
China Import & Export Fair Complex, Liuhua
Guangzhou, Cina
Guangzhou, Cina
Attrezzature Giardinaggio, Arredamento Giardino, Giardinaggio

Dal al
NECC National Exhibition and Convention Center
Guangzhou, Cina
Guangzhou, Cina
Industria farmaceutica, Prodotti farmacista

The 47th Jinhan Fair for Home & Gifts 2023
Dal al
Poly World Trade Center
Guangzhou, Cina
Guangzhou, Cina
Gadget, Articoli arredo, Mobilia

Window Door Facade Expo China 2023
Dal al
Poly World Trade Center
Guangzhou, Cina
Guangzhou, Cina
Ingegneria, Macchine Edili, Materiali per edilizia, Alluminio, Costruzione

CIFM / Interzum guangzhou 2023
Dal al
China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex
Guangzhou, Cina
Guangzhou, Cina
Arredamento per la casa, Mobili, Macchine per legno, Tecnologie di Produzione, Mobilia

CIFF - China International Furniture Fair | Guangzhou 2023
Dal al
China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex
Guangzhou, Cina
Guangzhou, Cina
Cuoio, Calzature, Vestiti, Articoli in Pelle, All'ultima moda